NHS - Northwest Merton Primary Care Network

An FCP also cannot prescribe medication, however because of their excellent relationship with GPs and knowledge of pharmacology, patients can gain faster access to medication following an FCP session if indicated. WHY SEE AN FCP INSTEAD OF A GP? Around 20% of people see a doctor presenting with neck, back, joint or muscle problems and they will often have to wait for a GP referral to get access to community physiotherapy services to manage their condition. By booking in within days and having early input from an FCP, the patient avoids these long waits and is statistically given the best possible chance of recovery and a smoother journey through the NHS MSK Pathway. HOW DO I BOOK IN TO SEE AN FCP? To book an appointment with an FCP, the patient simply needs to speak to reception at their respective GP surgery. The adjoining diagram can assist the patient when deciding whether they should be seeing an FCP or GP. GPs are also able to refer patients to an FCP, and work hand in hand with the FCP for many MSK cases. The option to see a doctor for MSK problems is always an option still given to the patient. HOW DO FCPS INTEGRATE WITH THE REGULAR NHS MERTON PHYSIOTHERAPY SERVICE? Our FCPs have an excellent relationship with the NHS physiotherapy service ‘Connect Health’ who are usually based at the Nelson Health Centre. They offer telephone, video and face to face appointments. Many patients will often begin with FCP management, and continue with the NHS physio team if additional treatment is needed. They have a self-referral system, which can either be used via telephone or manually through their website and our FCPs or GPs are able to contact them if needed. The patient journey Do you have a problem that affects your neck, back, bones, joints or muscles? YES NO Book with GP NO YES Book with GP NO Book with GP YES Book with FCP Are you feeling unwell at the moment? Would you be happy to see a physiotherapist rather than the GP? 14