NHS - Northwest Merton Primary Care Network

What else can your pharmacy support you with? Many pharmacies are open until late and at weekends. You do not need an appointment. Most pharmacies have a private consultation room where you can discuss issues with pharmacy staff without being overheard. Essential services These are the services that all community pharmacies provide: Disposal of Unwanted Medicines Promoting Healthy Lifestyles S ignposting to other Healthcare Providers Supporting you with self care Dispensing R epeat dispensing (with agreement from your GP) R epeat prescriptions can be issued in 2 different ways: You order the prescription to be approved by a GP each time you need a refill. You order the prescription once and a GP approves a series of refills for you. They are sent to the pharmacy automatically, so you do not need to order them each time. This is called electronic repeat dispensing. The GP surgery or pharmacy will let you know when you need to re-order your prescription. How can community pharmacies help? Pharmacy teams can offer blood pressure testing to a wide range of patient and demographic groups. Community pharmacy-based interventions to prevent, detect and manage hypertension are recommended in national guidance from Public Health England (PHE) and NHS England. Who can have a hypertension check in their local pharmacy? Inclusion criteria Adults aged 40 years and over with no diagnosis of hypertension By exception, younger than 40 years with family history of hypertension (pharmacist’s discretion) Approached or self requested 35-39 years old (pharmacist’s discretion) Adults referred by a general practice Fact: Approximately one third of people with hypertension do not know they have it 20