NHS - Northwest Merton Primary Care Network

Directory of Services for Self-Referral Active Signposting Useful Links Merton Directories earth-europe directories.merton.gov.uk MVSC Find a group Online database of information predominantly of local services/activities offered by the voluntary and community sector earth-europe mertonconnected.co.uk Care4me Online database of information predominantly of services/ activities offered by the voluntary and community sector earth-europe care4me.org.uk CarePlace London’s centralised source for care and community services, information and guidance (commissioned by West London Alliance) earth-europe careplace.org.uk HELPLINES Find a local or national approved helpline earth-europe helplines.org/helplines Surrey Info Point Find services across Surrey earth-europe surreyinformationpoint.org.uk Advice Local Find help with benefits, work, money, housing problems and more earth-europe advicelocal.uk Advice Services Citizens Advice Lambeth and Merton earth-europe caml.org.uk Citizens Advice Help to Claim Universal Credit Line Help to Claim service can support you in the early stages of your Universal Credit claim, from the application, through to your first payment. 0800 144 8 444. The information in this publication was correct at February 1st 2023. The websites shown throughout, direct you to their main landing pages. In some instances you will need to navigate to find the information specific to your local area. KEY Website Telephone Email PLEASE NOTE This is only a list of some of the available services in Merton or nationwide. Other services do exist and we recommend that you carry out your own research and choose a service you feel is most appropriate to you. 25 Northwest Merton PCN: The Green Pages