NHS - Northwest Merton Primary Care Network

PARAMEDICS We have collaborated with our GP Federation and the London Ambulance Service to create an environmentally sustainable bicycle-powered home visiting service provided by paramedics on behalf of our GPs. DEDICATED CLINICAL PHARMACIST We have sourced a clinical pharmacist who works across our practices to review patients on multiple medicines as a result of complex medical needs. SOCIAL PRESCRIBING Our social prescribing link workers help promote health and wellbeing, enable access to holistic services and facilitate people to prioritise their own wellbeing. ACCESS We have provided additional appointment capacity across the PCN and outside of core surgery hours, in the form of face-to-face, telephone and online consultations. Impact Being part of a local network in this way means practices can remain small enough to provide individualised care whilst proactively offering larger economies of scale, through pooling together services or resources. For example, we share staff and can provide you with greater access to GP services by offering you appointments across multiple sites and times. Some of our Initiatives So Far Include… 3 Northwest Merton PCN: The Green Pages