NHS - Northwest Merton Primary Care Network

Transport For All Accessible Transport advice line for disabled and elderly, advice and application form for Freedom Pass, Blue Badge or Dial-a-Ride. Making Appeals if an applications is turned down, Making a complaint about problems you are facing while travelling, Help with planning your journey around London. earth-europe transportforall.org.uk Fosterline Fosterline is free, confidential, impartial and supportive for Foster Carers and anyone thinking of becoming one. earth-europe fosterline.info TFL Sarah Hope Line Offer comprehensive help and support to anyone who has been bereaved or sustained life changing injury through an incident involving Transport for London services. earth-europe tfl.gov.uk – and search for ‘Incident support service’ Elder Abuse Freephone helpline, which provides information, advice and support to victims and others who are concerned about or have witnessed abuse, neglect or financial exploitation. 080 8808 8141. earth-europe wearehourglass.org Disability Law Service Provide free legal advice to people with disabilities & MS and their carers to ensure that they have access to their rights and justice. They advise on community care, employment, housing and welfare benefits. earth-europe dls.org.uk ESOL & Immigration Learn English Together Information about all the free and paid-for English classes in Merton. Helping to assess level of English and identifying the right class. earth-europe learnenglishinmerton.org Migrant Families Network Tool to find out if a person can use social service, apply for benefits and seek legal advice. earth-europe migrantfamilies.nrpfnetwork. org.uk Migrant Help Asylum seekers helpline and Home Office funding to support vulnerable EU citizens to apply for settled or pre-settled status. earth-europe migranthelpuk.org CARAS CARAS is a community outreach charity based in Tooting. We support people of refugee and asylum-seeking background who live in South-West London. Mainly women. earth-europe caras.org.uk South London Refugee Association (SLRA) Provide expert advice, specialist services and effective support to refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants in South London. Also provide free ESOL classes and activities for asylum seekers. earth-europe slr-a.org.uk 27 Northwest Merton PCN: The Green Pages