NHS - Northwest Merton Primary Care Network

Migrant Women’s Rights Service This is a confidential advice service for those working with vulnerable migrant women they are unable to provide advice to individual women. Provide advice on the housing and support options for all migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, including women who have overstayed their visas – ONLY FOR PREGNANT WOMEN AND NEW MOTHERS. earth-europe maternityaction.org.uk/ migrant-womens-rights-service Find Immigration Adviser immigration advice if you need help with getting permission to stay in the UK. earth-europe gov.uk/find-an-immigrationadviser Visa and Immigration info to work study and live in the UK. earth-europe gov.uk/browse/visasimmigration Employability and Volunteering Better Working Futures Reed in Partnership Health & Work Programme, Social Prescribing Coordinators can directly refer to this programme as referral partners – Merton, Sutton, Kingston, Richmond & Croydon areas. earth-europe betterworkingfutures.co.uk Find Your Job Centre Search for your local job centre. earth-europe find-your-nearest-jobcentre. dwp.gov.uk National Career Service Information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work. earth-europe nationalcareers.service.gov.uk Job Centre – Job Match Use the ‘Find a job’ service to search and apply for jobs. earth-europe gov.uk/find-a-job Love London Working Employability project for residents for anyone over 16 who is unemployed. earth-europe lovelondonworking.com Working For Carers Working for Carers is a London-wide project that supports unpaid carers, aged 25 or over, to move closer to employment. earth-europe camdencs.org.uk AIM4WORK A FREE specialist employability programme for people with common mental health conditions living in South London, North London and East London. Website needs to be updated, Aim4work has been extended for an additional 2 years from March 19. earth-europe shaw-trust.org.uk ACAS Acas (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) provides free and impartial information and advice to employers and employees on all aspects of workplace relations and employment law. earth-europe acas.org.uk Access To Work Provides advice and support to overcome employmentrelated obstacles. It can award funding approval towards additional barriers to employment due to disability or long term health condition. earth-europe generate-uk.org/service-2/ access-to-work 28