NHS - Northwest Merton Primary Care Network

Vision Housing (Forward Trust) To provide housing and on-going support to ex-offenders on release from prison. Vision Housing helps ex-offenders find homes in the private rented sector. earth-europe forwardtrust.org.uk Muslim Women in Merton Social group – Provides a platform for Muslim women to be heard, represented and contribute their skills, experience and knowledge for the benefit of the community. earth-europe muslimwomenmerton.com Families Merton Family Services Directory For information on services for children, young people, parents, carers, professionals and practitioners. earth-europe directories.merton.gov.uk Merton Council Needs Assessment Getting the help and support for people with medical and care needs and their carers. earth-europe directories.merton.gov.uk – click ‘Adult Support Services Directory’ then ‘Adult Social Care Support’. Merton Grow Baby Merton Growbaby provides new and secondhand, baby clothes and equipment (up to 5 years), free of charge to anyone who needs it, regardless of income, background, or faith. earth-europe mertongrowbaby.co.uk Local Mums Local Mums Online is packed with information and support for local mums in Surrey and SW London. earth-europe localmumsonline.com Homestart Merton Parent volunteers offer regular support, friendship and practical help to families with at least 1 child under the age of 8, in their own homes, helping to prevent family crisis. earth-europe homestartmerton.co.uk Healthy Start Healthy Start is a UKwide government scheme to improve the health of low-income pregnant women and families on benefits and tax credits. earth-europe healthystart.nhs.uk JIGSAW 4U Children’s charity with links in schools across Merton and Sutton and post/pre-bereavement support for children. earth-europe jigsaw4u.org.uk Young Minds Support for children, adolescents up to 25 and their parents. earth-europe youngminds.org.uk ACCA Free ESOL classes, women’s support groups, homework club, volunteer placement, advice support and many more. earth-europe acaa.org.uk National Autistic Society Directory Support and resources for parents of autistic children. earth-europe autism.org.uk AL-ANON UK Al-Anon Family Groups UK is there for anyone whose life is or has been affected by someone else’s drinking. earth-europe al-anonuk.org.uk Grandparents Plus Advice and support for grandparents and kinship carers, also peer support/ listening ear service available: 0300 123 7015. earth-europe grandparentsplus.org.uk 30