NHS - Northwest Merton Primary Care Network

MIND THE DAD Provide free online support either with your baby or in virtual groups, where you can meet other dads in similar situations, at flexible hours (including evenings and weekends). earth-europe annafreud.org – search for ‘mind the dad’ FOSTERLINE Fosterline is free, confidential, impartial and supportive for Foster Carers and anyone thinking of becoming one. earth-europe fosterline.info SIBS Brothers and sisters of disabled children and adults. earth-europe sibs.org.uk LGBTQ free2b-alliance Free2B Alliance is a London based Community Interest Company, supporting LGBTQ+ young people and parents. earth-europe free2b.lgbt Mental Health WDP Merton Integrated, recoveryfocused service: free and confidential treatment and support for individuals and their families affected by drug and alcohol problems. earth-europe wdp.org.uk/merton Merton Uplift – Wellbeing Workshops Wellbeing workshops open to anyone registered with a Merton GP – booking via Eventbrite. earth-europe eventbrite.co.uk – search for Merton Uplift. Sunshine Recovery Cafe Open to adults in South West London (18+) who perceive themselves, or are at risk of moving into mental health crisis. It offers a constructive and non-clinical alternative to A&E or admission to hospital. earth-europe cdars.org.uk Raynes Park Bereavement Listening service for people affected by bereavement (not counselling). earth-europe mertonconnected.co.uk/rpbs Cruse Bereavement Support, advice and information when someone dies. earth-europe cruse.org.uk OASIS OASIS is an NHS mental health service for young people in South London. Accepting referrals for people who: Live in the boroughs of Southwark, Lambeth, Croydon, Lewisham 14 – 35 years old. earth-europe meandmymind.nhs.uk Lambeth And Southwark Mind Lambeth Southwark Mind. earth-europe lambethandsouthwarkmind. org.uk Victim Support Help people feel safer and find the strength to move beyond crime. The support is free, confidential and tailored to your needs. earth-europe victimsupport.org.uk Young Minds Support for children, adolescents up to 25 and their parents. earth-europe youngminds.org.uk Focus 4 1 MH support group meeting every Tuesday for BAME at Vestry Hall and other projects. earth-europe focus-4-1.co.uk 31 Northwest Merton PCN: The Green Pages