NHS - Northwest Merton Primary Care Network

Recovery College MH workshops and courses at Vestry Hall – Anyone with an SM4/ SM5 postcode in primary care can access RC (part of Sutton Uplift), other patients in Merton will need to be in secondary care. earth-europe swlstg.nhs.uk Counselling Merton Uplift – IAPT Free integrated Primary Care Mental Health service for anyone living in Merton or registered with a Merton GP (+18) earth-europe mertonuplift.nhs.uk Relate Services include counselling for couples, families, young people and individuals, sex therapy, mediation and training courses. earth-europe relate.org.uk The Spark The Relationship Helpline is for those in relationships, parents, families call free on 0808 802 2088 from 11am until 2pm, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, confidential advice on your relationships. (based in Scotland). earth-europe thespark.org.uk Marriage Care Relationship support services including couples counselling, relationship and marriage preparation. No fixed charge, contribution-based. earth-europe marriagecare.org.uk Off The Record Free and confidential counselling to young people aged 11 – 18 in the Borough of Merton and online counselling for young people aged 14 – 18. earth-europe talkofftherecord.org/merton SPECTRA Spectra trans counselling service offers a safe, trans-inclusive space to discuss and explore your thoughts and feelings and find a way forward. earth-europe spectra-london.org.uk MS UK counselling 6 sessions of telephone counselling (50 mins). earth-europe ms-uk.org/counselling Options Wimbledon Options Wimbledon Pregnancy Resource Centre provides free confidential counselling for all issues related to pregnancy. earth-europe pregnancychoicesdirectory.com/ centres/london-wimbledon IESOHEALTH On-line Computerised CBT (Referral via Merton Uplift). earth-europe iesohealth.com Freedom from Torture Counselling for torture and war survivors. earth-europe freedomfromtorture.org PTSD resolution Providing counselling for former armed forces, reservists & families. For free, immediate, local help ring: 0300 302 0551. earth-europe ptsdresolution.org Petals Baby loss counselling charity. earth-europe petalscharity.org BAATN Black, African and Asian Therapy Network. earth-europe baatn.org.uk Big White Wall NO LONGER FREE VIA NHS Available 7am – 11pm, 7 days a week, Accessible quickly without long waiting lists, CBT and counselling available, Delivered by typing, online audio and secure webcam. earth-europe togetherall.com 32