NHS - Northwest Merton Primary Care Network

Information about this booklet Communication The aim of this booklet is to raise awareness of how your PCN is working for you. As a network we are committed to helping our cohort of patients live healthier lives. This booklet is full of useful and easy to digest information relating to: • primary care, social and community services that are available to you • local treatment pathways • medical hot topics & self-help guides It is our intention for these to collectively enable and empower you to seek the right help when or should you need it. This brochure is available in a range of languages from our practice websites. It can also be made available in Braille upon request. With best wishes, Your PCN Team Please note that the information in this publication was correct at February 1st 2023. The websites shown throughout, direct you to their main landing pages. In some instances you will need to navigate to find the information specific to your local area. KEY Website Telephone Email 5 Northwest Merton PCN: The Green Pages