NHS - Northwest Merton Primary Care Network

STATS: In the UK, around 360,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every year and it is estimated that 1 in 2 people will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime. There are over 200 types of cancer, each with its own treatment. HEALTH PROMOTION: A number of factors can affect the risk of developing cancer such as; genetics, poor immunity, lifestyle and the environment. Whilst it is not possible to control all risk factors, it is important to lower the risk of exposure to cancer by adopting a healthy lifestyle: Cancer: INTRO: Cancer is a disease caused by the uncontrollable growth and division of cells, which are the building blocks of the body’s tissues and organs. As cancerous cells spread, they can impact surrounding healthy tissue and form a tumour. Not all tumours are cancerous but some cancerous cells can be transported through blood or the lymphatic system to affect healthy tissue in other parts of the body. Giving up smoking Adopting a balanced diet Using sun protection Keeping to a healthy weight Increasing physical activity Limiting alcohol consumption 6